PROTECTING SOFTWARE GLOBALLY WITH U.S. COPYRIGHTS Why Corporate Counsel Should Lead the Charge June 23, 2021 Click to Register
PROTECTING SOFTWARE GLOBALLY WITH U.S. COPYRIGHTS Why Corporate Counsel Should Lead the Charge June 23, 2021 Click to Register
5 Reasons Why You Should Copyright Your Software NOW. By Mitchell C. Shelowitz[1] Look at the Leaders. If global technology leaders such as Oracle, Apple, Cellebrite, Orcam, and Sarine register their valuable software for protection with the U.S. Copyright Office, why don’t you? What are you waiting for?[2] Copyrights, Not […]
Software A. Source code. B. Compiled code. C. Screen Displays (e.g., User Interface [UI] (including look and feel)). Protection Against Literal and Non-Literal Copying A. Protection from identical copying. B. Protection from copying that is substantially similar or strikingly similar to original. C. Protection from non-literal copying, including the […]
The most successful companies in the world have registered their software with the U.S. Copyright Office. Why haven’t you? Software Copyright registration provides broad protection along with powerful tools to deter and punish infringers, such as competitors, former employees, and other bad actors. Any tech company that has not registered […]
While the business of mobile and video gaming may be, well . . . just fun and games – every professional in this ever growing industry must be aware of the IP boundaries and protections of their own – and their competitor’s — games. Crossing the line could cost millions. […]